Modern genetics offer some insight, but what about the characteristics and idiosyncrasies that make every person unique? Ayurveda answers these questions with the Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
The doshas are biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They govern all physical and mental processes and offer every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfillment.
Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine
A person with a predominantly Vata constitution will have physical and mental qualities that show the elemental qualities of Space and Air. That is why Vata types are commonly quick thinking, thin, and fast-moving. A Pitta type, however, will have qualities reflective of Fire and Water, such as a fiery personality and oily skin.
A Kapha type will typically have a solid bodily frame and calm temperament, reflecting the underlying elements of Earth and Water. While one dosha predominates in most people, a second dosha typically has a strong influence. This is referred to as a dual-doshic constitution.
If the propose of doshas in your current state is close to your birth constitution, then your health will be vibrant. A divergence between these states, however, indicates a state of imbalance. Vikruti is the term used to describe this imbalanced deviation away from prakruti.
In total, there are three primary doshic states. We have the balanced state, increased state and decreases state. In the balanced state the doshas are present in their natural proportions and there is equilibrium. In the increased state, a particular dosha is present in an aggravated proportion that is in a proportion greater than normal resulting in an imbalance and loss of equilibrium. The decreased state also results in imbalance since a particular dosha is present in a less-than-normal proportion.